We are excited to connect with you today! If you are exploring faith or searching for a church home, we invite you to be part of all that is happening at Anchor Church. Whether you live in the Lawrence Area or choose to join us online- we welcome you to our church family! It is our prayer that you will experience God’s amazing grace, that your faith will be encouraged and strengthened, and that you will find authentic community and connection with others. You were created to do life together with others. You were created to belong to a life-giving community of people that believe in you! There is a place for you here at Anchor!
Pastors Alex & Brooke Graves
We gather every Sunday Morning at 10:00am at Bishop Seabury Academy in Lawrence, KS.
4120 Clinton Parkway Lawrence, KS 66047
Join us for our powerful 4-week series, Kingdom Builders, where we dive into the life-changing impact of sharing your story. Discover the freedom, forgiveness, and transformation that comes from living out and boldly sharing your personal faith journey with others. Together, let’s build a community that reflects God’s grace and invites others to find hope.