[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Embrace Your Journey
Pastor Alex
Did you know there are different levels of giving within the Church? Pastor Alex gives a special message breaking down 5 different levels of giving. But he doesn’t stop there. As followers of Jesus, giving isn’t just an idea presented to us in Scripture. For the follower of Jesus, giving is expected behavior. For most of us, it can be easy to give things like our time, but we quickly become more closed-fisted when the idea of giving our money comes up. Scripture is clear in both the Old and New Testament on what God’s expectation of His children is when it comes to giving financially. The question is, do you go above and beyond, and do you give cheerfully? Join us for this special message titled Embrace Your Journey, as Pastor Alex helps us see the amazing blessing and impact the Kingdom of God can have when we embrace our journey and go above and beyond in our financial giving!
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