

November 9, 2022

Near & Far: Living On Mission | Look In Here | Pastor Alex

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Look In Here
Pastor Alex


Pastor Alex wraps up our series Near & Far with the message, Look In Here! It’s a challenging look at the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. What we learn is that Jesus wasn’t so much the one who fed the people, but the Disciples by the command of Jesus. After telling Jesus to send the people away so they can eat, He responds to them with a simple command: “You feed them”. Astonished at this idea, they respond to Jesus that they only have some bread and fish. Limited resources seemingly held them back from being able to do what Jesus called them to. How often do we allow the same to happen in our lives? I don’t have enough. I don’t have the right skills. That country is too far away. I can’t speak another language. The list can go on and on as to why we can’t make a difference in the world for Jesus. But what we see in this story is that Jesus doesn’t need an abundance from us, He just needs our obedience. Obedience rooted in faith that Jesus can meet the needs of others, and He wants to use us to do it! What would our world look like if we acted in faith and walked in obedience, even when we think we don’t have enough?

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